Saturday, April 02, 2011

Count Me In!

If you're reading this article in the UK you should have now completed your census forms and returned them to the authorities. It’s compulsory that we do it – although this year we did have a choice between using pen and ink or entering our details online. For centuries people have been counted by their leaders – and there are examples of censuses taking place in the Bible. Most people will remember the one that caused Joseph and Mary to be in Bethlehem when Jesus was born, but did you know that the book of Numbers actually gets its name from a census that was taken by Moses just after the people of Israel escaped from Egypt?

As we approach Easter later this month we are reminded of the events that led to the death of Jesus on the cross – the cheering crowd at his entry to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, and the jeering crowd shouting “Crucify Him!” at the trial where he was condemned. When the time came for those closest to Jesus to ‘stand up and be counted’ it turned out that Judas betrayed him and Peter denied even knowing him. Thankfully for Peter the cross was not the end – the risen Jesus forgave and reinstated him and he became a key figure in the early church.

In the census, when it came to the “What is your religion?” box, we too had an opportunity to stand up and be counted. The trouble is its easy just to tick a box – and ten years ago more than 70% of us said that we were ‘Christian’. With only 7% of the population regularly attending Sunday worship it leaves me genuinely asking what the church is doing wrong for people who are happy to categorise themselves as believers to choose not to associate with other Christians week by week.

Louis Armstrong once sung about heaven with the words “Oh Lord I want to be in that number when the saints go marching in!” If you ticked the ‘Christian’ box why not join with other believers to celebrate the event at the heart of our faith, and the basis for our hope of life after death – the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I'm sure you’ll be welcome at any local church, and if you're anywhere near Bottisham, why not come to our all-age RE:NEW service on Easter Sunday (with an egg hunt for the children).