Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Farewell and Welcome

A Farewell…

On Sunday 28th August we cancelled our normal RE:NEW service at Bottisham Primary School and joined with the Anglesey Group of Parishes in saying farewell to David and Pauline Lewis. They will be missed by us, and by many in these villages, and I wanted to take this opportunity to publicly thank them for all they have contributed.

When I arrived in 2005 as minister of Lode Chapel David warmly welcomed me, and we’ve been meeting formally every month or two ever since. We have chatted together, planned together, prayed together, eaten together and led services alongside one another on numerous occasions. I’ve often admired David’s faith and commitment, but I must say I’ve never envied him in the task of looking after five churches!

David has shared the joys and sorrows of many families within our community, and he and Pauline have both ministered Christ’s love faithfully over the last eight years. As they begin their retirement I know, however, that that neither of them will see this as an opportunity to stop doing the Lord’s work. May God bless them in this new phase of life, helping them to settle into their new home and giving Pauline patience as they both get used to David spending a bit more time at home!

…and a Big Welcome!

As a new school year starts we’d like to invite you to join us for a special service on Sunday 25th September. It’s an opportunity for you to come and see what we get up to at Bottisham Primary School every Sunday morning, and you’ll certainly receive a Big Welcome. At this service we’ll also be introducing our Autumn Series which seeks to answer the question “Why on earth am I here?” During October and November we’ll then be proposing five key purposes for our each of our lives based on Rick Warren’s book ‘The Purpose-Driven Life’. These goals exist in all of us, whether we believe in God or not, so why not come along and find out more. Don’t forget, all ages are welcome, and we have a crèche and groups for children every week.